



Open Access Article

International Journal of Surgical Research. 2022; 5: (3) ; 43-45 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijsr.20220084.

Clinical Value of Gas Partial Pressure Evaluation to the closure of Visceral Pleura in SpontaneousPneumothroax Patients

作者: 李雅静 *

天津市胸科医院 天津

*通讯作者: 李雅静,单位:天津市胸科医院 天津;

发布时间: 2022-10-28 总浏览量: 307


目的 探讨胸腔气体和呼出气体的氧分压及二氧化碳分压的测定对自发性气胸患者脏层胸膜破口闭合的预测价值。方法 对于确诊为原发性自发性气胸的患者,利用自行研制的呼出气采集器采集患者的呼气末气体,通过胸腔穿刺收集胸腔气体,分别测定两种气体的氧分压和二氧化碳分压,利用胸部X线观察肺复张情况,并以此作为判定脏层胸膜破口是否闭合的金标准,研究呼出气体和胸腔气体的氧分压、二氧化碳分压之间的关系及变化规律。结果 (1)p呼O2 、p呼 CO2、pp CO2 / ppO2与脏层胸膜的闭合情况呈负相关,即p呼O2 、p呼 CO2、pp CO2 / ppO2的值越大,越可能是闭合性气胸;pp CO2 、ppO2与脏层胸膜的闭合情况呈正相关,即pp CO2、ppO2的值越小,越可能是闭合性气胸。结论 利用胸腔气体和呼出气体进行氧分压和二氧化碳分压测定对自发性气胸患者脏层胸膜破口是否闭合是具有预测价值的。

关键词: 气胸;临床类型;气体分压;闭合


Objective To study the predictive value of evaluation in gas partial pressure of pleural cavity and expiration to the closure of visceral pleura in spontaneous pneumothroax patients.
Methods: To collect the expiratory gas by the device which we designed and produced. To detect the oxygen partial pressure and carbon dioxide partial pressure respectively, and the blood gas analysis of radial artery was done at same time. The data was analyzed and sorted to find the relationship between them. Combine the data with the radiographic information to predict whether the leakage of the visceral pleura is closed.
Results: The higher the value of p呼O2 、p呼 CO2、pp CO2 / ppO2 , the more possibility of closed pneumothroax. pp CO2 、ppO2 is positively correlated with the closure of visceral pleura, the higher the value of pp CO2 、ppO2 ,the more possibility of traffic pneumothroax.
Conclusion  : To utilize the evaluation of gas partial pressure can predict whether the leakage of the visceral pleura is closed.

Key words: pneumothroax; clinical type; gas partial pressure; closure

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李雅静, 胸腔气体和呼出气体分压测定对自发性气胸脏层胸膜破口闭合的预测价值[J]. 国际外科研究杂志, 2022; 5: (3) : 43-45.