



Open Access Article

International Journal of Surgical Research. 2022; 5: (4) ; 32-34 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijsr.20220099.

Influencing factors and prevention of hospital feeling in neurosurgery patients

作者: 王亚芳 *


*通讯作者: 王亚芳,单位:平顶山市第一人民医院神经外科;

发布时间: 2022-12-26 总浏览量: 277


目的 对医院神经外科院感危险因素进行探讨和调研,为医院制定院改方案提供依据。方法 采取回顾性调查方法对我院2000例神经外科患者进行监测调查,其中出现院内感染患者人数为142例,感染率为7.1%,而同期医院平均感染率为1.43%;两者相对比神经外科概率明显更高,P<0.05。针对感染病例进行调研后发现,46.35%的患者存在病情危重意识障碍;而且经过对比发现,患者住院时间超过30d的情况下感染率会明显升高;其中革兰氏阴性杆菌是医院病菌感染的主要病原菌,该病菌的感染占比高达71.65%,本次调研中主要以泌尿道和呼吸道感染为主。结论 在医院中神经外科属于院感高发科室,神经外科患者通常情况下存在意识障碍、基础疾病严重等症状,而且在治疗过程中经常会采取侵入性操作,抗菌药物使用周期长,且大部分患者为老年群体,引起自身免疫功能低下因此非常容易发生医院感染。针对上述问题应该采取有针对性干预措施来控制感染率,这样才能有效提升神经外科疾病的治愈率。

关键词: 神经外科;院感;危险因素;预防


Objective To observe and investigate the risk factors of hospital infection in neurosurgery department of the hospital, so as to provide basis for the hospital to formulate hospital reform plan.
Methods 2000 neurosurgery patients in our hospital were monitored and investigated retrospectively. Among them, 142 patients were infected in the hospital, the infection rate was 7.1%, while the average hospital infection rate was 1.43% in the same period; The probability of both was significantly higher than that of neurosurgery (P<0.05). After investigating the infection cases, it was found that 46.35% of the patients had serious illness awareness disorder; And through comparison, it is found that the infection rate will increase significantly when the patients stay in hospital for more than 30 days; Among them, gram-negative bacilli are the main pathogens of hospital bacterial infections, accounting for 71.65%. In this survey, urinary tract and respiratory tract infections are the main pathogens.
Conclusion   The neurosurgery department in the hospital belongs to the department with high incidence of hospital infection. The neurosurgery patients usually have symptoms such as consciousness disorder and serious basic diseases, and often take invasive operations in the treatment process. The use cycle of antibacterial drugs is long, and most of the patients are elderly, which causes low autoimmune function, so they are very prone to hospital infection. Targeted intervention measures should be taken to control the infection rate, so as to effectively improve the cure rate of neurosurgery diseases.

Key words: neurosurgery; Sense of hospital; Risk factors; prevention

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王亚芳, 神经外科患者院感影响因素及预防[J]. 国际外科研究杂志, 2022; 5: (4) : 32-34.