



Open Access Article

International Journal of Surgical Research. 2022; 5: (4) ; 52-54 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijsr.20220105.

Analysis of the effect of early nutritional care on immune function and nutritional status of patients after radical resection of esophageal cancer

作者: 杨天微 *, 李旭

贵州中医药大学第二附属医院 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 杨天微,单位:贵州中医药大学第二附属医院 贵州贵阳;

发布时间: 2022-12-26 总浏览量: 290


目的 讨论研究在食管癌根治术患者中开展早期营养护理工作的价值作用。方法 将2020年9月到2022年9月期间院内的20例行食管癌根治术患者纳入研究范围,随机编号后按照计算机随机抽取方式设置为对照组(采取常规模式开展护理工作)、观察组(采取早期营养护理模式开展护理工作),观察并比较两组营养状况评分、满意度以及免疫功能改善情况,观察并比较两组初次进食时间、排气时间、排便时间。结果 两组相关数据信息经统计学处理后P值<0.05,差异显著,护理后观察组整体营养状况评分、满意度以及免疫功能改善情况、初次进食时间、排气时间、排便时间等数据信息均明显比对照组更具优势。结论 在食管癌根治术患者中开展早期营养护理工作可给予患者充足营养,有助于维持患者免疫功能,促进患者恢复,为患者提供更为满意的护理服务。

关键词: 早期营养护理;食管癌根治术;免疫功能;营养状况


Objective: To discuss and study the value of early nutritional nursing in patients with esophageal cancer undergoing radical operation.
Methods: 20 patients with esophageal cancer undergoing radical surgery in the hospital from September 2020 to September 2022 were included in the study. After random numbering, they were randomly selected into the control group (nursing work was carried out in the conventional mode) and the observation group (nursing work was carried out in the early nutrition nursing mode) according to the method of computer random sampling. The nutritional status scores, satisfaction and improvement of immune function of the two groups were observed and compared, Observe and compare the time of first eating, exhaust and defecation between the two groups.
Results: After statistical treatment, the P value of relevant data in the two groups was less than 0.05, with a significant difference. After nursing, the observation group had significantly more advantages than the control group in terms of the overall nutritional status score, satisfaction, immune function improvement, time of first eating, time of exhaust, and time of defecation.
Conclusion  : Early nutrition nursing for patients undergoing radical resection of esophageal cancer can provide them with adequate nutrition, help maintain their immune function, promote their recovery, and provide more satisfactory nursing services.

Key words: Early nutrition care; Radical resection of esophageal cancer; immunity; Nutritional status

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杨天微, 李旭, 早期营养护理对食管癌根治术后患者免疫功能及营养状况的影响分析[J]. 国际外科研究杂志, 2022; 5: (4) : 52-54.